Oxygeneo Super 3-in-1 Facial

3-in-1 Therapy for Better Results

What makes OxyGeneo™ the ultimate super-facial? It combines the exfoliation benefits of microdermabrasion with deep facial rejuvenation through the infusion of essential revitalizing nutrients and healing skin oxygenation from within. Suitable for all skin types, OxyGeneo™ treatments work for any ethnicity and pigmentation, sensitive skin, and even for those who keloid (scar) and typically cannot undergo abrasion treatments.

Exfoliate. Infuse. Oxygenate.

Revolutionary OxyGeneo™ technology provides superior anti-aging results by treating the skin at a deeper level. Exfoliate, infuse, and oxygenate your way to youthful, radiant skin. Discover more about how it works below.

Better Than Microdermabrasion

Find out why professionals are calling the OxyGeneo™ facial “better than microdermabrasion.” Experience:

  • Skin Plumping & Hydrating
  • Restored Skin Volume
  • Renewed Youthful Glow
  • Increased Collagen
  • Reduced Hyperpigmentation
  • Improved Skin Cell Production
  • Reduced Appearance of Wrinkles
  • Safe for ANY Skin Type!